System handover

If you’ve got the source code, we can take it on. If you’re considering replacement of your existing software systems, you may be able to hand over to us. Unlike many other software development companies, we are platform neutral and centre around a belief in choosing the right tool for the right job. We understand the investment you’ve made in your existing system and we aren’t afraid to learn new systems and technologies to support your system moving forward. Some of our longest and most successful relationships started as a system takeover project.

Talk to us about your system

Looking to hand over an existing software system to another software company?

Unlike many software developers, we’re not afraid to take on an existing or legacy software system. With careful consideration, preparation and planning, the smooth transfer of software development works to another development team is possible. In fact, we’ve done it time and time again.

There are many reasons why you may want to consider handing over your existing software system to another software company. Here are some typical reasons why we undertake a system takeover.

Ask us about taking on your existing system

Your software supplier has gone bankrupt

What happens to clients of software companies that go bankrupt? It’s a sad reality that this can happen and it’s essential to consider how you and your software system may be affected. From the knowledge that company holds, to the hosting and backups of your data. Rest assured that we have the knowledge and expertise to help guide you through the process of transferring your systems to a new development team, while offering the peace of mind that we have a 25 year track record of business success.

You’re unhappy with your current software supplier

Whether you’re unhappy with code quality, response times or simply have lost trust in your current supplier, don’t worry. We can help you to understand your options when you’re looking to transfer to a different software supplier. We’ve helped many businesses in a smooth transition to a new software development team.

Your in-house software developers are too busy

It’s very common for your business to run on systems that are developed and supported by an in-house development team. We’ve helped many businesses to outsource the development of all or part of their software development to our developers, whether permanently or for specific projects.

Your software developer is a risk

If your software systems are supported by a single in-house developer or freelancer, the knowledge and support of your system is only as secure as the person who is maintaining it. Freelancer’s circumstances can change and staff can leave. We’ve helped many businesses navigate this scenario with a full or partial handover to our development team, providing assurance of better knowledge retention and continuity of support.

You want to outsource software development

There are many reasons to outsource software development, from flexibility of overheads to gaining access to a wider range of knowledge and expertise. We’ll help you understand the process of outsourcing your software development to ensure a smooth transition to our team of software developers and project managers.

Here are some ways we can help with your system handover:

Getting you over the finish line

If you’ve invested heavily in a project and it cant be finished by the current developer for whatever reason or saga (we’ve heard allsorts!), no need to despair, we have years of experience of taking on other developers code.

Helping with maintenance

Software has to be maintained to keep it running smoothly. The systems, databases, and technologies that its built upon all get updated on a continual basis and if your software doesn’t keep up with the times, the cost of keeping it running will increase and likewise the risk of costly downtime caused by difficult to resolve failures. We can help you protect your investment by keep your software running.

Redeveloping your software system

After a time, even good technologies, become dated or obsolete by newer technologies (e.g. Java applets following the rise of HTML5). Equally sometimes new trends and disruptive market factors can cause technologies to go out of favour (e.g. Flash support dropped by Apple software), meaning that the technology your system is built upon is no longer supported or easily maintained. Sometimes it can be better to cut your losses and redevelop a new system, using the latest technologies. With the experience of a second run, you’ll get the opportunity to keep the best bits

4 reasons you can trust First Option Software with your system handover

  1. Understanding your business.

    The key to success is understanding and with experience and expertise, we've got what it takes.

  2. Rapid

    We have the resources to put in place whenever and wherever you need them.

  3. Seeing a project through.

    System takeover is just the beginning. We never let a project fail.

  4. Smooth

    Business continuity is our priority. Sit back and let us do the hard work.